
Saturday, October 1, 2011

and we don't sound, like Madonna...

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When the MOG is not cleaning the kitchen with dishtowels or eating cereal in my bed, he's usually on the road with a band of musicians and intercessors, praying, preaching and making music. They also make CDs, and every one is a labor of love, love for God and the church. I'm really proud of this album, I think it's so good, and I don't even care if I'm biased.

Go check it out on iTunes and then buy it! Or if you're more analog and you want a physical copy for your 4 year old to stick in your VCR (you said you were analog), then go over to radiantworship.com and order one!

Radiant Worship: Boldly Close on iTunes

and share the love! Post or tweet this on your various social networks!
Just released!! "RADIANT WORSHIP - Boldly Close" on iTunes!  // buy it, review it, share the link, share the love.

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