
Tuesday, July 11, 2006


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Toby has regressed to eating several times a night... I don't really
mind... as long as he goes back to sleep.
Such was not the case this "morning". (read: absurdly early)
He cried, etc... so I fed him... then he starts grabbing my face and
screeching... this is his normal daytime activity. So I open up the
old weary eyes and he is DIRECTLY in my face, smiling delightedly. It
is so dark I can hardly see him.
He cooed and laughed and kicked his daddy for a long time... then he
was banished to the playpen to party alone.
7-10 minutes later: I have fallen back asleep and am awakened by
heartbreak hotel over in the playpen.
You think this is funny, don't you?
Actually, I kinda did too.
Around 8 this morning he got bored.... what with the daylight and all
and fell sound asleep until now.

Oh the funny silly tired wonderfulness of Toby.

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