
Monday, July 31, 2006

Happy Blogday

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Well, it's been a year.
Last July, I decided to start a blog, just so I wouldn't have to tell people the condition of my cervix over the phone. If it stuns you that I would use the word cervix in such a public venue, go on back and read the archives. It was a continual topic of conversation.
So my complete loathing for talking on the phone has done us good, eh?
I kinda thought people would check in and see how I was doing, and maybe I'd get a few comments. Ha.
I underestimated the power of Yablonskis.... and you have all become honorary Yablonskis.
We prayed Toby through... celebrated every Monday, a Toby-ganza... you commiserated with my weekly shots, and the boredom.
The conversation kept my spirits up at such crucial times. I remember reading and holding my stomach so I wouldn't cause contractions by laughing.
And then Toby came. And I thought maybe that would be it.
Luckily, it wasn't! Every day, I can get up and write how I'm feeling, or what I'm thinking... it has been a good discipline for me to have a post every weekday. And then off you go.... every now and then, there are 8 comment days... I used to worry that the blog had died. But no. Then I'll strike a chord with something random and the discussion flies. Random characters and the ocassional mutant drop in. And it is good.
Maybe you've all gotten to know me better. I know the reverse is true.
The future of the blog... who knows? I imagine it will continue to be an outlet for me, so you will learn about homeschooling and special needs and so on.
I also hope to start practicing writing. I know I've said that before, but I hope I do. Try out some poetry and short stories on the 'rati.

So, happy birthday to us! Somebody make me a cake!

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