
Friday, February 10, 2006

just talking

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Yesterday we went to "run errands", which could really mean anything,
but involves leaving Midway in a car and being gone for some time.
Which is not hard to do since it takes 30 minutes to get to Walmart...
we ate at Fazolis with the lovely and charming Daniel... went to
Walmart to buy a pacifier.... they didn't have the itty bitty ones so
on to Target, where I bought a little one which still gags Tobias....
do I have to go to Babies R Us to get a newborn binky? Maybe so...
And the mall, where we spent pretty much the rest of the tax return...
R1 got a fancy haircut and some hilights and lowlights, which look
And I bought R2 a pair of jeans at Gap.... I always buy everything on
clearance but these had An ADJUSTABLE waist!
Now, most of you have seen R2's pants falling down at church.... he's a
skinny kid. Well, hopefully this solves the problem.

and then it was off to the natural medicine doctor for the clan... and
we got some vitamins and whatnot and I got a chiropractic adjustment
which always scares me... but I feel better.
Today I may not do anything. It's raining on my tin roof, I have a baby
sleeping next to my leg.... life is good.

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