
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy birthday, Jenna! *official post*

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Well, today should be the day. Pray for Julie as she gets ready.... Tim just called and her contractions were already 6 minutes apart before the Pitocin!

It's guys day today ... next week I have a cool idea but I can't do it today because we women will have to discuss Jenna and such at some point. But here's the jist of it: next weds, ONLY guys will be permitted to post. If, by noon, they have not reached a predetermined number of posts (30, 50??) then we can come in and have a hen party. But if they DO reach the magic number, then we women can only "speak when spoken to..." that is, answer a question posed to us by a male.

But not today. Because we might have to talk about childbirth. But until then, we will discuss the topic suggested by Robert Clark. Rob?

I already posted this once so if that one shows up, ignore it.

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