
Thursday, February 16, 2006

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Jenna stats are in the downstairs post...
Happy Birthday to Kat!

Well, Leah got the first real smiles out of Toby last night... She was "eating" his cheeks.... you know the game, mommies. And there it was! So you better believe we've been munching on him since then.
Toby ate at 7 this morning and then woke up atg 9 saying I'M STARVING HELLO WHERE IS THE SERVICE AROUND HERE YOU AREN'T GETTING A TIP I'M DYING HERE and so on.
So I woke up and he ate for about 5 minutes and is not hungry anymore... busy... wants to look around.
Sleep. I knew him well.

I may go up to the hospital today and meet Jenna. If I do I'll take some pictures.

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