
Friday, September 9, 2005


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This is not the best time to do a news flash, as most people are
leaving work etc.., I will re-insert this post on Jessica's blog,

During our hospital stay 2 nights ago, I felt the Lord spoke to my
spirit several things. The most important was that NOW is the time to
win the battle in prayer over our fourth son's life. That prompted me
into a 24 hr "esther" fast. Immediately, I felt the Lord tell me it is
his will that Toby should live, and that he will bring peace to our
home. ( which has had a cloud of grief over it for the past 6 years )
This peace will mainly be felt in Jessica's life, which will result in
a healing emotionally, and be a platform in which she will minister to
many. His birth will also be followed by a new birthing in our
ministry, which will result in many more people encountering God. So I
believe this is a very spiritual war, because there are a lot of
spiritual things at stake. Praise God in the natural for doctors who
are doing everything they know how, however, we must fight the battle
foremost, in the spirit. Jess and I have noticed a strong spirit of
fear come upon us sometimes when she has contractions. Today, this
happened, and we both felt just gross. We then prayed together, and
recognized the spiritual side of this, and the contractions ceased!
Last Night, a female intercessor was awakened at Midnight with a burden
for us and this baby, and prayed 'till 5am! At the end of this prayer
time, the Lord spoke to her spirit, "It is when fear turns into faith,
that the impossible happens." Folks, we need the impossible! We need
a deposit of faith! I'm not trying to preach, but I am convinced this
child will effect many spiritual things. We live in pivotal times!
These are important days! I covet your continual prayers and acts of
faith! Please consider taking some time within this next week to pray
for this child, let's win this battle now! Jess and I thank everyone
for their prayers and words of encouragement. May God's kingdom be
advanced, - Richy

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