
Thursday, September 22, 2005

blowin this popsicle stand...

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We've decided to leave today... even if there's no damage the power
outs, etc... would probably be stressful to me... and I must stay at
We're going to stay with some friends in Shreveport La. They have a
garage apartment that is so peaceful and it will be very easy to
continue bedrest there. We'll be there until the situation is stable
I feel such peace. God has His hands on us, folks... even in the storm.
He is still God.
There's such panic and fear out there... just try to rise above it. Get
out if you need to, or stay. But get under His wing.

I will still be blogging from my remote location... hopefully everyone
keeps power and we can laugh through this.

Richy has put on his hurricane evacuation shirt and socks. We should be
just fine.

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