
Monday, September 26, 2005

21 weeks Toby GANZA!

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sailing right along here in the second half of my pregnancy....

"Week 21 - Twenty-One

Fetal Development:

Your baby is about 7 ½- 8 inches in length and weighs about 10 ½ ounces. Your baby has a lot of amniotic fluid to move around in and your baby can spin, turn and somersault. Your baby is very active! Your baby is able to hear now, so if you talk, read or sing to him or her- your baby can hear you."

If you've ever seen this amazing picture of a tiny hand holding a surgeon's finger... here's the article. This baby was 21 weeks in the picture. WARNING: it's a little bloody and stuff... but the baby is a big kid now and doing fine!

R2 has been walking around the house labeling everything. "Nini's book. Nini's cup. Nini's." I think he learned a lesson this weekend...

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