
Friday, September 30, 2005


and maybe it's time for some peach cobbler...

fight to the finish

fight to the finish

the champeen...


Thursday, September 29, 2005

shoes and ships... i'm a crock pot

just cooking quietly on low.......



Last night, my mom picked up on my VERY subtle hints here yesterday and delivered some peach cobbler. I had a massive helping...


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

even more untitled

in which i reveal that i still don't have peach cobbler, or any reasonable hope of gaining some......


R2 got a big boy haircut yesterday... sigh. I think he likes it a lot. He looks in the mirror and dances.I received...


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

appointment today...

I'll update later...Is everybody back yet from Rita?UPDATEEverything looks good! Praise God! I have an additional appt next week to start having this...


Monday, September 26, 2005

21 weeks Toby GANZA!

sailing right along here in the second half of my pregnancy...."Week 21 - Twenty-OneFetal Development: Your baby is about 7 ½- 8 inches...


Saturday, September 24, 2005



Well, it's a blessing, really. For us, anyway. No real damage and it looks like not a lot of power loss, etc... although...


Friday, September 23, 2005

hurricane Kai...

We're here at Leah and Nate's. Once we found out that it would take us 12-15 hours to get to S-port, plus the...


Thursday, September 22, 2005

is it Kai time?

the woodlands branch of the fam is headed over there.... it would take us all day... so I guess we can't go.re-evaluating our...


blowin this popsicle stand...

We've decided to leave today... even if there's no damage the power outs, etc... would probably be stressful to me... and I must...


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Fwd: message from Mike Walsh

MESSAGE FROM MIKE WALSH(please forward this email to anyone that is not on this list)He is leaving for Tyler Texas tomorrow morning at...


continuance of ratking grilling

Rita can be turned around to say I Rat.hmmmmm...


put your head between your knees

and kiss your butt good-bye...Hurricane Rita is coming right here for Midway Texas. First Pearland, then Midway. All hope is lost.Richy's going to...


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

richy vs rob hair contest

richy vs rob hair contest



I have an ultrasound today... really just a cervical ultrasound which is not very interesting to watch. Except every now and then it...


Monday, September 19, 2005

20 weeks! Halfway-to-toby-GANZA!

Today marks halfway to full term... for the average person. For Leah,it's just another day.... ho-hum.Since I'm shooting for 36 weeks, I'm well...


Sunday, September 18, 2005


well, folks, I haven't had a contraction in over 3 days... HOORAY!I have been healed. I am still trying to get my mind...


Saturday, September 17, 2005


Dreamed about spending a LOT of time in a seafood shop connected to a convenience store... complete with a fake alligator in the...


Friday, September 16, 2005


was a very very good day... pray for continued peace and faith.In the news: the President asked for a bathroom break. This is...


Thursday, September 15, 2005

peaceful today... pray for continued peace for us...more weird dreams. i don't remember. continuez, amiesand i will hold my belly and laugh gently...


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

starting a new topic as the other has mucho mucho comments...I went about 16 hours w.o a contraction! Praise Jesus!Then I had one...


Tuesday, September 13, 2005


jess here typing briefly....my appointment was good... my cervix is unchanged which is a praise report.now back to laying very still.ps: what should...


Monday, September 12, 2005


19 Weeks!"Your baby is approximately 6 inches/ 15 centimeters long from crown to rump and heweighs about 8 ounces/ 225 grams. His chest...


Friday, September 9, 2005


This is not the best time to do a news flash, as most people are leaving work etc.., I will re-insert this post...

aforementioned feline fish

aforementioned feline fish




feeling pretty good today, no real contractions since yesterday afternoon. Last night Leah and Nate came over bearing gifts.Books....mmmmmmmand Mama's peach cobbler. I...


Thursday, September 8, 2005

you guys are so uninformed....

toby and I spent the night in the hospital... again... and my baby daddy stayed too.Contractions, etc etc... anyway I'm ok now but...


Wednesday, September 7, 2005

todays blog

uninspired.... maybe I'll start an advice column. Lets hear it from all you neurotics or lonely hearts out there....


Tuesday, September 6, 2005



blah blah bladder full in a dark cold room with insufficient clothing... and a middle eastern man who doesn't speak pressing VERY hard...

Ultrasound today

Ultrasound today

I get my big ultrasound today... they'll look at the heart and brains and all that....It's at 2 which is really probably 3:30...


Monday, September 5, 2005

18 weeks~ Monday Extrava-toby-blanza!

"What your baby's up toYour baby continues to grow rapidly. His bones are continuing the ossification (hardening) process and the pads of the...


Saturday, September 3, 2005




One kind of bummer thing about bedrest is that weekends aren't really any different.Now, weekends have always been wierd in my life. When...


Friday, September 2, 2005


This is really on my mind today. Maybe because Richy watched news half the night, I don't know.But the refugee situation all around...


Thursday, September 1, 2005

my email

Every day I'm reminded that I could have the career of my choice, or meet ....attractive... singles in my area. I could receive...

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