This week we celebrated Richy's 15th birthday. Last year
his celebration was joyous and beautiful, but almost in a whiplash-we-just-dodged-a-bullet-and-here's-a-party way. This year he was actively involved in the party planning. I had planned on having cake and pizza at home, until he specifically verbalized that his party was going to be at Chuck E Cheese. Oh, Chuck E Cheese, you overstimulating wonder. Still, the boy gets what he wants.

(if you're new here, R2 was
born at 24 weeks, and last year he
almost died but he
DIDN'T <catch up links :D )
I have a FIFTEEN year old. I think that might make me super old. I met R1 when
I was 15. Weird.

I made a Monsters, Inc. cake... well, I made a cake that was vaguely reminiscent of Sulley's fur. R2 can't see very well anyway, so I think he was very impressed. He ate 3 slices, so you tell me. The staff at CEC was super accommodating, maybe because we were there at a pretty chill time of day, or maybe because R2 was in such a celebratory mood. He stalked Chuck E around the restaurant and finally got his picture taken.

It was a joyful, busy, noisy birthday. I feel like the fog of his illness has lifted to the point that we can really enjoy him and his quirks. A friend texted me after the party to ask how it went and I called it "a perfect day". I meant it. If we have 5 years or 50 with Richy, this memory will stand as a day that he was truly happy and enjoyed.
Happy Birthday to my first baby!
Happy and enjoyed. I want to hold those words in my mind for the child who (in different circumstances) is not what I expected and has struggles I never foresaw. If he is happy and enjoyed, that's what is most important. Happy birthday to your miraculous 15-year-old!