Exit 105, take a seat
I've got things to talk about. Tristan's birthday, moving across the country.. well, diagonally across, acclimating to Texas again, lots of things. But...
+I've got things to talk about. Tristan's birthday, moving across the country.. well, diagonally across, acclimating to Texas again, lots of things. But...
+Tomorrow, I will be 36. Technically, this year will still be my mid-30s, unlike my husband, who will turn 37 in 2 weeks...
+FAQs: Isn't FAQ a complete statement? Is the s really necessary? Excellent question. I can't handle skipping the s. You're gonna have to...
+Disclaimer: I don't feel like I've said this perfectly or even particularly well. There are some things that I work out on "paper"...
+This summer was intense. Maybe that term is buzzwordy, but it's pretty polite yet strong. I could also say this summer was the...
+"You should have a reality show!" people tell me all the time. "Your family is so funny!" Every time, I think, "I am...
+Social media is a mixed bag. I recognize its hold on my thought patterns, my addiction to constantly being connected- at the same...
+It was the first Vacation Bible School of the summer, and their hopes were high. I signed them in while they chatted up...
+"I'll sell some stuff on Ebay," I think. "I'll sell some stuff and I'll just order a pickup from a postal worker and...
+I love this nation so much. I'm not blind to our flaws. In fact, I participate heartily in many of her flaws, like,...
+I wake up nauseated. This is not morning sickness, I tell myself, because all of my friends have been puking, and not just...
+I've never participated in a blog roundup before, but it sounds fairly Texan so I guess maybe I should. Last week Jolie from...
+My twins' birthday is today. They would be 10, and I miss them with an ache that has almost faded beyond pain. I...
+This week we celebrated Richy's 15th birthday. Last year his celebration was joyous and beautiful, but almost in a whiplash-we-just-dodged-a-bullet-and-here's-a-party way. This year...
+It's swimsuit season, I guess. Every year I think about taking a spin back to the 1920's when we got to cover up...
+Last summer comes to me in a dreamy kind of haze. "Remember?" it asks, gauzy linen sleeves blowing in the wind, "remember the...
+Part of my soul thrives in a city, with its concrete borders and the cacophony of street performers. Cities speak my primary language,...
+May is a minefield of memories. Twice, I walked through May with my unborn children and my desperate wish. At the end of...
+I was 21 when my dad died. I think, if someone had said that sentence to me when I still had a dad,...
+It's hard to really have a nemesis in this day and age. When you're a grownup and a relatively nice person, you don't...
+As a rock and roll girlfriend, I used to follow my man into Guitar Center or Xtreme Music Mporium or Shady Grove Retirement...
+I started coloring my hair in junior high. Back then it was just red, always red. All the heroines in the stories I...
+I think a basic rule of blogging is not talking about blogging. It's one of those meta-fight-club things where the blogger never really...
+When you're a young parent... and by young, I mean new to parenting, not that I'm writing this post specifically to the 14...
+I try to walk a line here, like Johnny Cash... well, not so much like Johnny Cash. But I try to walk a...
+The most alarming thing has happened. Our cats have begun exhibiting the most cat-like of behaviors. I say "begun". They actually began at...
+This one time, when I was 7, I went to a roller-skating party with my church/school friends and I was skating with ease...