
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Exit 105, take a seat

Exit 105, take a seat

I've got things to talk about. Tristan's birthday, moving across the country.. well, diagonally across, acclimating to Texas again, lots of things. But...


Thursday, October 16, 2014

it's my birthday and i'll angst if i want to

it's my birthday and i'll angst if i want to

Tomorrow, I will be 36. Technically, this year will still be my mid-30s, unlike my husband, who will turn 37 in 2 weeks...


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Clark Family Announcement!

FAQs: Isn't FAQ a complete statement? Is the s really necessary? Excellent question. I can't handle skipping the s. You're gonna have to...


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Why I'm questioning modesty

Why I'm questioning modesty

Disclaimer: I don't feel like I've said this perfectly or even particularly well. There are some things that I work out on "paper"...


Monday, September 22, 2014

Stress in a NEW place! or Vacation With Kids

Stress in a NEW place! or Vacation With Kids

This summer was intense. Maybe that term is buzzwordy, but it's pretty polite yet strong. I could also say this summer was the...


Friday, September 12, 2014

Osteens, Jesus and the log in your eye

"You should have a reality show!" people tell me all the time. "Your family is so funny!" Every time, I think, "I am...


Monday, September 8, 2014

Social media: Stepping out of the screen

Social media: Stepping out of the screen

Social media is a mixed bag. I recognize its hold on my thought patterns, my addiction to constantly being connected- at the same...


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

building a man

building a man

It was the first Vacation Bible School of the summer, and their hopes were high. I signed them in while they chatted up...


Monday, July 21, 2014

going postal

going postal

"I'll sell some stuff on Ebay," I think. "I'll sell some stuff and I'll just order a pickup from a postal worker and...


Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of Ju-ly

4th of Ju-ly

I love this nation so much. I'm not blind to our flaws. In fact, I participate heartily in many of her flaws, like,...


Monday, June 16, 2014

stomach bug: how the mommy are fallen

I wake up nauseated. This is not morning sickness, I tell myself, because all of my friends have been puking, and not just...


Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Blog Tour: I'm with the band

I've never participated in a blog roundup before, but it sounds fairly Texan so I guess maybe I should. Last week Jolie from...


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Evan and Rees, ten years

My twins' birthday is today. They would be 10, and I miss them with an ache that has almost faded beyond pain. I...

R2 is fifteen

R2 is fifteen

This week we celebrated Richy's 15th birthday. Last year his celebration was joyous and beautiful, but almost in a whiplash-we-just-dodged-a-bullet-and-here's-a-party way. This year...


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

swimsuit shopping: or praying for snow

swimsuit shopping: or praying for snow

It's swimsuit season, I guess. Every year I think about taking a spin back to the 1920's when we got to cover up...


Monday, June 2, 2014

summer: what have I done

summer: what have I done

Last summer comes to me in a dreamy kind of haze. "Remember?" it asks, gauzy linen sleeves blowing in the wind, "remember the...


Tuesday, May 13, 2014



Part of my soul thrives in a city, with its concrete borders and the cacophony of street performers. Cities speak my primary language,...


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May: melancholy may

May is a minefield of memories. Twice, I walked through May with my unborn children and my desperate wish. At the end of...


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

legacy: life carries on

legacy: life carries on

I was 21 when my dad died. I think, if someone had said that sentence to me when I still had a dad,...


Monday, April 28, 2014

don't fight the kryptonite...

don't fight the kryptonite...

It's hard to really have a nemesis in this day and age. When you're a grownup and a relatively nice person, you don't...


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

guitar wife: I'll listen from the car

guitar wife: I'll listen from the car

As a rock and roll girlfriend, I used to follow my man into Guitar Center or Xtreme Music Mporium or Shady Grove Retirement...


Monday, April 14, 2014

internet, color my hair: an e-salon review

internet, color my hair: an e-salon review

I started coloring my hair in junior high. Back then it was just red, always red. All the heroines in the stories I...


disclaimer about my brain

I think a basic rule of blogging is not talking about blogging. It's one of those meta-fight-club things where the blogger never really...


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Your Honor, your pants are on backwards

Your Honor, your pants are on backwards

When you're a young parent... and by young, I mean new to parenting, not that I'm writing this post specifically to the 14...


Thursday, March 13, 2014

walk the line: thankfulness

I try to walk a line here, like Johnny Cash... well, not so much like Johnny Cash. But I try to walk a...


Monday, March 10, 2014

Cat-astrophe, or how we killed the sun

Cat-astrophe, or how we killed the sun

The most alarming thing has happened. Our cats have begun exhibiting the most cat-like of behaviors. I say "begun". They actually began at...


Friday, March 7, 2014

Doctor, doctor, gimme the news site

Doctor, doctor, gimme the news site

This one time, when I was 7, I went to a roller-skating party with my church/school friends and I was skating with ease...

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