My quests for fitness and the closest thing to a Tex-mex restaurant continue. On the fitness front, had a difficult time working out last week because I was so busy eating birthday cake and doughnuts. I have literally no doubt that someone has worked eating doughnuts into a fitness routine, but since I am really hoping to live long enough to get the Senior Rooty at IHOP(ancakes), I will do no more than googling it, immediately after I finish this sentence. As I suspected, that is a thing.
Today I did water
aerobics fitness, which was way more amusing than I expected. But that's for next week's vlog. I hope you people aren't expecting some kind of finite results, because I think the scale is in the basement and I don't have a measuring tape. I can tell you this much, my red jeans still have me in an Anaconda Squeeze, so I have not yet achieved good-enoughness, from a gut standpoint. I think I have good-enoughness as a general emotional or self-esteem whaddyacallit.
Without further ado, week 3:
You are my hero. :)