
Friday, June 7, 2013

evan and rees are nine

(disclaimer: these are some of the very few pictures we have of our twins alive and I wanted to share them with you.)

Today our boys would be 9. We celebrate their brief lives and the great, great impact they have had on our lives. 


How many? they ask
and I hold you in my mind
like a dream, like a secret prize
In the shadows of my heart
you age
through a veil, through a glass
you are alive
my daydreams keep time
losing teeth, climbing trees, sweaty sleeping blonde heads
always with me
in the shadows of my heart
And I am so rich
with my arms overflowing
laughter all around me
laughter in me
but always 
the laughter beyond me

the week we found out there were two

Evan and Rees born June 7th, 2004, died June 9th, 2004.


  1. My heart breaks seeing these pictures, Jess. And my prayers go out to you and your family. I picture them now as strong little boys, the spitting image of the rest of the Clarkings, having a party with Jesus to celebrate their birthday.

  2. Your baby boys are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your words and precious pictures.

    It's been eight weeks today since my baby boy, the fourth child we had longed for through the agony of two consecutive miscarriages, was stillborn at 26 weeks. I'm new to this ache of counting the weeks and months, seeing my boy grow in the shadows in my mind, but I know the ache will be there all the days of my life. With you, I wait for the day we will see our sons again.

  3. I bet your boys and Sarah K's little boy are playing with my little boy right now.

    Beautiful poem and poignant thoughts.

    Jenn's Mom


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