
Monday, July 30, 2012

wild hairs and marital constraints

wild hairs and marital constraints

Sometimes inspiration hits me, and, like most things that hit, it is sudden and unexpected. I mean, some hits are expected, like when...


Tuesday, July 24, 2012



We got started a little late today, which grates on my soul. I hate being rushed, and I despise being late, so I...


Monday, July 23, 2012

Life isn't fair

Now maybe you'd never know it, because of the swan I am now, but I was kind of an awkward kid. Lots of...


Thursday, July 19, 2012

vanity, mediocrity and the internet

vanity, mediocrity and the internet

You know, I coulda sworn that Louisa May Alcott said "A woman with a sense of humor could never be vain," but I...


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

bad day

bad day

There should really be an "opt-out" on some days. Just, you know, you wake up and stub your toe and you can only...


Thursday, July 12, 2012

brunch: or why I should be medicated

brunch: or why I should be medicated

In many places in the world, my family is considered large. Like Target, for example. "Wow!" they'll say, as they fill the conveyor...


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

tattoos and regrets

tattoos and regrets

My middle kids are in Vacation Bible School this week, learning from Lutherans, which should be good. Last year they learned from the...


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

another one bites the dust

another one bites the dust

Toby tried to be a man about it, but he's 6. How much of a man can you be? All I know is...


Monday, July 2, 2012

there's a man in my house. maybe.

there's a man in my house. maybe.

The MOG has been leading this junior high summer camp for, I don't know, like a month or something (in reality, it has...

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