blood, guts, and terror
I was raised in a family of fainters. You would hear the thud and run to find who had keeled over at the...
+I was raised in a family of fainters. You would hear the thud and run to find who had keeled over at the...
+Months ago, I talked about buying the cow, which could reference a number of things, but in this case is referring to purchasing...
+The MOG was in Texas for 48 hours or so this week, during some scary weather here on the homefront. I called during...
+First, lemme throw a disclaimer at you: these are my opinions, and I don't speak for Radiant Worship, although Mr. Radiant Worship probably agrees...
+First, if you haven't bought our new single on iTunes, you should go do that now. It's the best 99¢ you'll ever spend...
+This morning I dressed in a denim jumper with a pink t-shirt underneath for modesty, tied my cheery plaid Keds, pulled my permed hair up...
+I suffer from a condition called Obnoxiousness. No doubt someone you know and love has it. One of the side effects of being...
+So, I've got this blog, right? You probably knew that, since you're here and everything. A lot of times, I meet people and...
+republishing myself, which is lame, but Blogger crashed and I really liked this one. If you've already read it, I apologize to all...
+I made a dangerous choice yesterday, that might mean a lot more quality time with my children. Typically, I try to avoid quality...
+You're probably thinking, that JessClark, she's a generous one. Well. That's creepy, but it is a nice segue into my topic, which is,...
+Do you know what's boring? Listening to people talk about how tired they are. Bor-ing! What more is there to say? I'm soooo...
+I hate Mother's Day. I dread it every year, and I'm relieved once it's over. It's goofy, because I am a mother. Like,...
+Read: The wetting of the dishtowel and other apostasies...
+Well, I'm not going to blog about Osama/Usama Bin Laden being dead. Not directly, anyway. Evidently, everybody has strong and different opinions about it,...