
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

a han gets a-wed

Well. That was a GREAT wedding. We’ve known Hannah for 10 years or something, and she’s been a Radiant for 8 years or so, and then lived with us for the last 2 years… all my numbers might be off, but you get the gist. Our friendship is too legit to quit.

When she asked me to be a bridesmaid, I was so honored and excited to suit up and join the wedding party, because I’m crazy about her and I really wanted to stand beside her on her happiest day.

So the wedding was this weekend, and we drove to Texas with bridesmaid dresses and tiny tuxes crammed in the back window. At the rehearsal, it was revealed that there would be choreography. This may come as a shock to you, but I am not so graceful. In fact, I am a klutz. Luckily it was a pretty simple Celtic skip-thingy, which I still messed up, but the wedding was so noisy and joyful that it didn’t really matter. At least I think it didn’t. Han, if I’m dead to you, let me know. Thanks.
Han has become one of my closest friends, and we have spent YEARS wearing yoga pants together in vans. She was far from Yoga Pant Han on Sunday. She was Totally Wedding Day Han. I mean, gorgeous. She wore a strapless white dress that was so perfect for her and we all wore various bridesmaidy dresses in Marine Blue. Oh, and my hair and makeup were awesome. Somebody said I was Snow White, which I loved because I was Cinderella in Han’s sister (Lindsey’s) wedding. It’s so fun to be fancy.

After the attendants, my kids wandered haphazardly down the way with their ring pillows and flower baskets, and then Han and her dad danced down the aisle. You kinda had to be there… It was so great, such a bright celebration of love and family, and when her dad came to the end of the aisle, he danced around her sort of spontaneously. As a parent, that was so powerful to watch a father rejoice over his child, and to show such pride and honor for her. By the end, she was dancing too, and we were all crying and cheering.

It was a beautiful, light day, a covenant-honoring and covenant-making day. When they left, they ran through a tunnel of their friends and family ringing tiny bells and singing “Gloria in excelsis deo”, which, as far as I could tell from armpit height in the middle of a large crowd, was a totally spontaneous song choice.

I am so proud of Hannah, and so thrilled that she found JM, who could not be more perfect for her. It was a honor to be a part of their wedding. 


  1. Oh my heart. I cried quite a bit there at your description of the wedding and the dancing... I'm such a sucker for weddings and especially emotional outbursts from daddies. Seriously I...cried at a video of a strangers wedding because the dad was tearing up down the aisle.
    Yeah so, thanks for sharing! We were sad to miss it...the Summer of Love spent with JM as well as all the time in Fort Mill has endeared him to us greatly.
    If there are any online videos or what not (other than FB) please let me know. K thanks. :)


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