
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

feed my sheep

Nutrition is so important. Kids today are eating so much sugar and fat and preservatives, and who doesn't have a 4 year old Happy Meal cheeseburger not rotting in a lunchbox? Balanced meals are more valuable than ever. That's why I feed my kids something every day. I buy food at the store and I give it to them, because they are hungry all the time. 

A key to knowing when your children are hungry: when the sporadic violence becomes consistent, it is time to feed them. A tool for making meals justifiable is relativism. If you, like me, live in a community where 23 year old mothers of 4 bake fresh bread from stone ground barley flour every morning and homemade yogurt with flax berries or something for snacks, then you have to maintain perspective. The goal is fullness. I want them to be so full that they cease screaming and live productive lives. Another goal is ease. Sometimes, most of the time, I don't feel like standing up and chopping vegetables. Maybe my dream kitchen will have a sit-down workspace, so I can get up to 400 pounds while I cook. Anyway, that's why I can look at a frozen pizza and think cheese, meat, protein. Total win for me! Hey, some moms feed their kids Coke in their bottles! Relativism.

I went through a brief phase where I was making chicken or fish every day, and reading ingredients and steaming vegetables and such. That was a productive few weeks, and I might do that again someday. In the meantime, McDonald's has meat and cheese! Hey, some moms beat their kids. 


  1. wow. yeah, i thought i would be a much more healthy feeder of my child but so far, it's whatever i can grab and give her. i've got at least one thing working for me. i've fooled her into thinking frozen peas are yum like popsicles!

  2. Some Moms feed their babies RED KOOLAID in their bottles


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