When I had a girl, I planned to use moderation, and try to gently steer her away from things that would make me sweat, like anything involving outdoors. So far, so good. She, on her own, showed an early preference for pink and tiaras, and except for making skunks ride in her Barbie Corvette, has pretty much toed the Girly Line along the way here. I try to encourage them to be whatever they want to be, and if that's a fairy butterfly princess today, fine with me. If it's President tomorrow, great. I've been planning that for a long time.

Lately, she has been looking at me like I'm a hero. You know, with the upturned lashes and the awe and such. And I am falling for it, bigtime. I mean, I always loved my baby. Now, though, it's something new and special, realizing that she is a girl, like me, and that we share something so sweet. I'm also realizing my responsibility to model womanhood, and motherhood and femininity and the whole package to her.

I'm just geeking on the girliness. Can't get enough. I know it might end, and she will start picking hiking boots and wanting to play hockey. But for now, my little princess and I will enjoy this. I will teach her, in time, to be strong and smart and brave and independent. And sparkly and silly and pretty, too.
no one ever said strong can't be beautiful... why not have a pair of pink, sparkly hiking boots? They'll go great with her overalls & tutus outfits! :) Don't forget the mani too!
ReplyDeleteI love my Brynn!
My baby daughter's baby daughter! No I am not mystified it is in the genes. I wore 'beautiful" long dresses with my gun holster, boots and hair in pincurls while playing with my only friends (all boys who only tolerated my presence) when I was her age and have the pics to prove it. The more things change the more they stay the same!The pic of you too makes me cry it is so beautiful. Mama
ReplyDeletetexting is ruining my spelling! I mean two as in the number 2. Mama
ReplyDeleteMeara will be able to frame houses and build cabinets before she's 16.
ReplyDeleteOk really. I'm really enjoying the girlishness also. At just 21 months, we can see the difference. She does however hover over me when I'm using power tools and LOVES to play outside with Keith, dirt and all. Saturday we found a roly-poly and, after Keith let it walk on his hand, Meara wanted me to put in on her. She let it walk up her arm while giggling. Girlie and rugged.
This is just sooo beautiful. The wonder of being a Mom of girls...G