
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Should you buy this stuff? and more

Now, I don't know for sure, but I bet some of you are sitting there wishing someone would give you some book reviews, and maybe some product reviews. If so, then you're in luck. If not, well, you're getting them anyway.

To begin with, I will tell you that Barnes and Noble are HACKS for not carrying Lisa Samson books. Last night, the MOG got back from a 2 week tour and whisked me off on a date. We had Italian food, smoldering glances and then, the bookstore. Where I tried to buy books from my favorite and was thwarted by an overwhelming collection of Amish fiction and Old Western marriage-of-convenience-that-turns-to-love novels. And, no hate, because I have read all of those, but on the rare occasion that I am actually going to purchase a book and not just check it out from the library, I want it to be a good one. All that to say, I was bummed. 

If you are going to buy a Christian fiction novel, make it a Lisa Samson or James Scott Bell. Every single book by Lisa Samson, and I like all JSB's books, too, but my favorites are Try Dying, Try Darkness, and Try Fear. They are funny, suspenseful sort of mystery novels with a wisecracking lawyer lead, and his nun sidekick. Seriously entertaining. 

If you are going to buy me a novel, make it The Passion of Mary-Margaret, since they don't have it at B&N. It is painful and beautiful and real and honest. 

Now, for my product reviews: things I bought on Ebay

1. Pink rhinestone bow earbuds. Paid $1.70 w/ free shipping. They sound fine and they look adorable. Unfortunately, they are very awkward to put in one's ears. You have to kinda wedge the sharp edge of one of the bows against your ear wall to hold it in. Still, less than 2 bucks for sparkly pink earbuds. I give it a thumbs up.

2. Deep Water Bath Overflow Cover. I don't remember what it cost. Somewhere around $5 with $3 shipping. It suctions onto the tub over your drainy-overflow-protector-thingy and lets the water come up high, eliminating the Lameness Factor of a 3 inch deep bubble bath. I give it three enthusiastic thumbs up.

So there you have it. I was not paid by anybody to review this stuff, but if anybody wants to pay me or give me free stuff to review, then, okay. I agree. 


  1. Thank you. I am getting very tired of Beverly Lewis and T Davis Bunn. and totally unimpressed with Beverly La Haye and Terri Blackstock fiction.-G

  2. Love Lisa Samson, but she can get depressing.-G

  3. Lisa Samson can be heavy. You want funny? I'll think about it...

  4. Lori Copeland is funny. Sometimes a little cartoony, but funny. Ooh, and Rene Gutteridge (or something like that). Tracey Bateman.

    Laura Walker is good, too. Deep but not so dark.

  5. I did not know there was such a thing as an overflow cover for the bathtub! I love it! Where did you get it? I always put a washcloth over it and it pretty much does the trick, but a cover made for it would be sooo much better!

  6. I scoped them out on amazon but found a better deal on ebay.


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