
Friday, April 23, 2010

on not exercising, because I don't WANT to

This morning came and went with little notice. What I mean is, somehow I looked around at 9:45 and realized that I was not going to work out today. I have to get moving by 9 to make it all work, with childcare and breakfast and personal motivation.

The thing with exercising is, I'm easily discouraged.  Also, I'm lazy. Bad combo. The problem is, this gut. Don't throw stuff at me- I'm talking about a small pouch of skin and fat that has a rounded shape, causing me to look something like 4 months pregnant, compared to my normal. 5 pounds, maybe. There are multiple problems here. I love eating. No, I mean, I LOVE it. I like eating better than reading.

The other problem is I don't like to leave the house. It's one thing to leave for food or thrift shopping. It's another thing entirely to get dressed and chase little people and squeeze them into outfits and hold them down whilst brushing their hair and find shoes and so on, just to fight them into the van, for the purpose of exercising. As in, pain.  This doesn't need psychoanalysis, folks.

I have decided what I need is a treadmill. Inside my house. I can hear you all howling, "You'll just hang clothes on it!" Haters. The other possibility is dieting, which is such a funny thing to suggest.


  1. K...so mini trampoline...DO IT DO IT! lol. No, really...my idea is simple, fun stuff that Joseph might use too OR better yet, use with me! =) I HATE exercising alone, and yes, that means I will make my son sweat so I sweat (teehee). I'm gonna do it - step blocks, 80s sweat bands, and loud music or maybe Spongebob.


  2. I hear ya about wrestling down all the chirrins just to get out -- its so hard. It should be a workout session all its own at some YMCA. I don't get out much for the very same reason. Maybe one day when I'm motivated I'll order "Hip Hop Abs" or something. Till then, I'll just eat my double chocolate chip fudge gourmet cookies ordered from some school fundraiser and be happy with all my (many) fat pouches.

  3. Whats wrong with fat pouches?-G

  4. nothin wrong with em... hey G, how'd you potty train? We have a similar laissez-faire approach to kids...

  5. Well, I just mainly put them naked on the little baby pot read them a story and talked to them and then if something happened, I acted like Jesus had returned in Glory. And after that every time they were going to take a bath or get out of the tub, we tried it again until they got real interested then I helped them pee all over the house with groooovvvy panties on. I would encourage them to go all the time to the potty. One day the panties would start to sting with pee in them and the little consciences would awaken with the idea that I would rather pee on the pot. Besides the little pot I got is really cool. It took a long time, and was really smelly, but I got there. Except for Lacy who got it from everybody else.Thank God you have wood floors.-g

  6. I tried the one day to toilet training book with Layla, freaked her totally out and messed her up. NEVER AGAIN!-G

  7. OOps.hope that doesn't make Layla mad

  8. go to the thrift store to see if they have some fun looking work out video

    get the kiddos to work out with you at home

    video all of that & post on fb

    fun to be had by all

  9. excellent advice, G and Stalker Anonimi!


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