10 years, Daddy.
The night before my dad started dying, I tried on a bridesmaid dress at his house. I wore the strappy matching sandals days...
+The night before my dad started dying, I tried on a bridesmaid dress at his house. I wore the strappy matching sandals days...
+Now, I don't know for sure, but I bet some of you are sitting there wishing someone would give you some book reviews,...
+This morning came and went with little notice. What I mean is, somehow I looked around at 9:45 and realized that I was...
+*warning* there will be potty-training talk here, eventually. I am a mommyblogger, after all. A relatively little-known fact: I hate advice. "What?" maybe you're...
+I interrupt my not-blogging streak to share this confidential correspondence from my mother-in-law. How come your favorite MIL cannot comment on your blog.......
+You might remember the shady neighbors of several weeks ago fame. These were the ones who sneaked away under cover of darkness in...
+All right, enough emotion and deep thinking. Today, I have for you, some good old-fashioned vapidity. • I dyed my hair black. I...
+The funny thing about Toby’s story is I laid down for 17 weeks. Why should that take two blogs? Because it was SEVENTEEN...
+I left you, a long time ago, with the story of losing the twins. That post has been getting some new traffic lately...
+There's been an exodus in the neighborhood lately. The two houses directly across the street from us have been suddenly and illegally vacated...
+I'm a thrifty type. I love to spend a couple of hours finding bargains and then come home and gloat over my $12...
+Yesterday, I assessed the state of the Clothing and determined, once again, that the state of the Clothing is tight. And not tight,...
+If you are a cyber-stalker, then you already know that we took R2 to the dentist today. I know everything about everyone, because...