
Thursday, February 11, 2010

enough with the THINKING

You may have noticed, I've been pretty deep lately, what with the introspection and the justice and the adopting and angst. I took a little break for SkyMall last week, just to give you a break, and I feel the need to give you yet another break, because, frankly, bloggerati, I don't know if you like to read all this stuff.

Let's say you wake up of a morning, and think to yourself, "What I need is a good, clean humorous toddler anecdote." And for YEARS now, I have been providing that kind of material for you. Maybe you got cocky, maybe you took it for granted, I don't know. And then, all of the sudden, your carefree tales of head-dives from shopping carts and eating from trash cans comes to a screeching halt and you are left with an existentialist beatnik with a Messiah complex.

Don't fear! I'm still totally shallow under this weighty exterior! Also, I still have a houseful of toddlers, doing amusing things! So, track with me. Cry at my poetry, donate to my adoption of the week, and then sit back and laissez les bon temps rouler!

And now, a moment of comedy gold with Toby. (Ignore the pile of towels in the background, the laundry fairy was mid-task when the joke inspiration struck)


  1. Toby you are so funny you can smash a pie in your face! hahahahahahahahahah grandma

  2. Oh yeah, and in regard to the serious stuff. I, for one, am o.k. with serious stuff. We get to see your heart with the fun stuff and the deep stuff too. Go ahead, be deep, and don't be ashamed. ;) lol

  3. I <3 u & your amazing kids - all 3 of them! I love to hear/read that not the only one dealing w/ angst over being torn between my desire to see this world changed for the Kingdom, and my shallowness to see my personal wants met.
    I love to read every blog whether you make me laugh, think, or cry.

  4. So EXCITING! Toby remembered that I would be watching! Great Joke Toby! I loved it.-G

    Would we really love you if we only wanted to hear from one side of you?-G


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