
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sometimes it seems my life is a continual series of transitions. Which is great because variety is the spice of life and all that, but it also makes me feel like I am in a holding pattern most of the time. Today, I am getting ready to go to DC tomorrow. And in a lot of ways, DC is the beginning of a new chapter for us.
It's just weird that I am sort of always waiting. Ah well, anyways.

I am pretty boring lately, because I have a lot I'm thinking about which always leaves me with nothing to say.


  1. frist?? really me?? One is the loneliest number... where is everyone?

  2. Isn't it weird that you can have so much on your mind, and have nothing to say. I feel that way all the time. It seems my spirit is always so busy within me and I can't get my brain wrapped around what is going on and I end up with nothing to say. I feel like a bump on a log most of the time, yet inside turmoil.

  3. Sounds like a good time in Texas over the weekend.

    Most of us probably know about the death of Stephen Curtis Chapman’s daughter recently. The family was on Good Morning America and Larry King Live last week talking about it, among other things. Our local radio station has all the footage posted. I haven’t watched it yet, but thought other might want to also.

    Click Here

  4. On a lighter note, this is talent! The first woman to win the hog calling contest at this state fair.

  5. on an even LIGHTER note---- CTK ---8:45 am Saturday morning ---or tune in to God TV---world wide---or go to www.god.tv and register now so you can be ready at 8:55 am----

    RADIANT is playing at the CALL DC

  6. 9 am TEXAS time

    10 am Washington DC time

    4 pm Denmark time


  7. just registered at god.tv. We'll be watching when Radiant is playing and probably off and on through the day.

  8. What is the time difference in the STATE of Washington?

  9. I'll be on the National Mall in Washington DC when Radiant is playing, along with entire group that our church is bringing from Massachusetts!! The "wimpier" ppl in our congregation will be tuning in via god.tv.

  10. anybody know why my pic doesn't show up when i publish a comment???

  11. did u forget to save itin your profile? is it too big?

  12. VKG- We're 2 hours behind, so it will start at 7 AM for us.

    misskerri- you have your profile set to private. Go into "Edit my Proflie" and click the first box next to "Share my Profile."

  13. josharooni---u always have the answers!

  14. HI ROONI!

    thinking of you and your sweet little fam this past few days....

    and you guys too, Jennifer! How's Trinity?

    when's your little one due?

    yes, jes, i understand the nothing to say thing.... the only problem with me is... i usually have nothing to say but with certain crowds or in certain blog arenas, end up spilling more of nothing than anyone wants to hear....

    with John, I'll be my true self and actually NOT talk much when a lot is going on in my head... but most other places/peoples...i talk out of perhaps stress or nervousness....

    ah, times alone at home... in my room with crochet needle, yarns, Christian novel, foot massage and spa machine,Oil of Olay and Vicks Salve :-)

    ok - I'll be quiet now... :-)

  15. I love you Pam.....You are so REAL......


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