
Monday, August 25, 2008

SkyMall, I love you

"HEAR" and "SEE" a conversation from a football field away.Powerful enough to capture distant sounds from 300 feet away. Zoom in and see what you're hearing. Sounds and images impossible for the human ears and eyes to pick up now seem as if you're only a couple of feet away. This secret surveillance device is perfect for when you really need to know what's going on! Orbitor Electronic Listening Device $49.95

And so discreet, no? I could slip it in my purse, take it to the park. Simply slide on the oversized headphones, point the large cone-shaped weapon at my victim of choice, and get all the information I need without detection!


  1. And I always wondered how Richy knew what I had been saying about him across the parking lot... now I finally know.

  2. Adam has one of those. But it is the kids spy version from Toys R Us. I think it was like 10 bucks. But it does work.

  3. Jess have you read The Shack yet? I am about half way through it. If you haven't read it you really should. It is a fiction book but the author says in the forward it based on a real experience. But the experience is so unbelievable I guess they have to lable it fiction or he is saying its real to get you to think outside your religious barriers either way it kind of blows the mind..


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