Palin and Pants and Pediatrics
Posting late today, but it'll be up all weekend... I was totally thrilled with John McCain's choice of a running mate in Sarah...
+Posting late today, but it'll be up all weekend... I was totally thrilled with John McCain's choice of a running mate in Sarah...
+So, since you are all dying to know what is going on in my life, I will tell you.• Larry the odd-job handyman...
+This is another edition of the Clark archives, you can find older chapters over on the sidebar under "The Story of Us".Okay, I'm...
+So I have done a lot of paperwork for the whole school thing, and now I'm waiting for someone to call me. I...
+"HEAR" and "SEE" a conversation from a football field away.Powerful enough to capture distant sounds from 300 feet away. Zoom in and see what you're...
+Today we met the new neurologist. When we were in Texas, we had a loose team of doctors who had followed R2 since...
+You may or may have not noticed I have taken a step back from politics for the last several months... as I process...
+On the flight to DC, I was cheerfully thumbing through Sky Mall as usual, laughing at the ridiculous things that obviously someone is...
+So yesterday we went to the school district building to start the enrollment process for R2. We are way, way late, as school...
+Howdy, everybody. Here's the clips from when we played at the Call.... here and here...It was a long, intense day. The atmosphere over...
+I’m writing this on Wednesday night... we will have internet via the iPhone all weekend, but I doubt I’ll have much time to...
+Sometimes it seems my life is a continual series of transitions. Which is great because variety is the spice of life and all...
+So. Time to dish.dishes... food...mmmmm, food. Anyways, back to my blog.We left for Texas Thursday morning. We planned on leaving by 7:30 and...
+eventful and fun weekend in Tejas... Poking buttons on iPhone does not inspire my muse, so I'm out. Will update tomorrow, we should...
+So, I don't know if you noticed, but I was out for a week. Oh, and I wrote a brilliant Smartypants, to which...
+uncle josharoo said...Ms. Smartypants, Since we just purchased a home and are expecting our 2nd child in November, should I increase my life...