stomach bug: how the mommy are fallen
I wake up nauseated. This is not morning sickness, I tell myself, because all of my friends have been puking, and not just...
+I wake up nauseated. This is not morning sickness, I tell myself, because all of my friends have been puking, and not just...
+I've never participated in a blog roundup before, but it sounds fairly Texan so I guess maybe I should. Last week Jolie from...
+My twins' birthday is today. They would be 10, and I miss them with an ache that has almost faded beyond pain. I...
+This week we celebrated Richy's 15th birthday. Last year his celebration was joyous and beautiful, but almost in a whiplash-we-just-dodged-a-bullet-and-here's-a-party way. This year...
+It's swimsuit season, I guess. Every year I think about taking a spin back to the 1920's when we got to cover up...
+Last summer comes to me in a dreamy kind of haze. "Remember?" it asks, gauzy linen sleeves blowing in the wind, "remember the...