
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

through the valley: R2's video

1 comment:
Most of you have followed our story and laughed and cried and PRAYED with us as R2 got very sick and then had a rapid recovery. I'm far from hyperspiritual, but this was definitely miraculous. The ministry we work for made a video testimony, and it's awesome so you should watch it.

Also, remember that the camera adds 10 pounds and makes you look super tired and it might make you blink kind of weird. Also see if you can spot the TEXAS REPRESENT. But mostly just listen to the story of the way God brought us through the valley of the shadow of death.

1 comment:

  1. i watched this video yesterday (following a link from katie reed's tweet). so awesome!! still praising God for this amazing miracle! so happy for you and your boy. :) lora


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