existential thoughts and dentistry
Had a root canal yesterday. It won't be on the highlight reel at my memorial, should I ever die. Not that I'm planning...
+Had a root canal yesterday. It won't be on the highlight reel at my memorial, should I ever die. Not that I'm planning...
+Normal 0 0 1 471 2685 22 5 3297 11.512 0 0 0 I am in the final throes (note: everyone, in this...
+Normal 0 0 1 511 2913 24 5 3577 11.512 0 0 0 On Thursday, some kind of pipe broke across the street....
+I go through these cycles. Relax, not those cycles. I mean... that's not what I'm talking about. Try to focus. I have cyclical desires...
+Look, I'm grateful for safety warnings and recalls and stuff. Kind of. If there ever WAS an occasion when I was giving serious...
+If you aren't first world, maybe just don't read this. Even those of you, who I greatly admire, who are deep and committed...
+Early disclaimer: I'm just going to write stream-of-consciousness here and so I will likely read it back later and disagree with myself on...
+Early reports from the scene of the crime were conclusive: Toby pushed Brynn off the bunkbed. He protested his innocence, claiming a setup,...
+I don't know what my personality type is. I'm whatever type gets stressed out trying to answer all the personality test questions and...
+Now, having been justified by not punching anyone during dinner and acting like civilized human beings for at least 3 hours, you have...