
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

brain slices: disconnected thoughts

• Today was Toby and Brynn's last gymnastics class for the summer, or maybe forever. I'm hoping to find a slightly competitive co-ed sport with cheerful coaches for a ridiculously low price. Stay tuned to the Denial Channel!

• I have done about 10 loads of laundry in the last 2 days, after taking a week or so off. Sometimes I get sick, or distracted or something and it just escapes me, until the MOG starts slamming drawers and talking about turning his socks inside out, or other clothing. Even when I gently suggest to him, in the manner of our Lord Jesus, that he go run a load of laundry himself, it doesn't ease his pain. "I'll just go to my meeting in a shirt with chocolate on it," he says, like a martyr. I don't have the heart to tell him that's not chocolate. (Disclaimer: humor)

• I have a week and a half left of boot camp. I don't know if my weight has changed, but my shape has changed, and I have gained some serious confidence, which I didn't even know I was lacking. But I have discovered that being cocky and being confident are slightly different. I'm definitely getting stronger. In fact, I signed up for a second round of classes, so you get at least 6 more weeks of whining before I start posting pictures of myself in a swimsuit. I kid. I will never post a picture of myself in a swimsuit, unless I get one of these hot numbers. There should be more rap songs about burkinis.

• R2 will be 13 in like a week. Maybe we'll have a Justin Bieber party. I mean, 13. In related news, likelihood of a Texas cake: HIGH.

• I've got 3 sappy posts to write, about R2 and the twins and about the transition with all the Radiants. I might not write them. Or I might, but you gotta quit busting my chops about it.

• Among the phrases I ALWAYS find funny: pipe down, busting my chops and smell ya later. I don't know WHY these always bring me to an LOL, but they do.

• Most days, I google something that I want to know about. Today it will be the etymology of "busting my chops". Hee. Yesterday it was the Kardashians, because I wanted to know why. I can't say I have found a satisfactory answer.

• Smell ya later.


  1. does this mean that you have changed your minds AGAIN? You ARE going to TEXAS to celebrate R2 becoming an official teenager? YOU ARE TAKING BEDSTE TO GALVESTON? Richy is hanging out with his MoM? What ? HIGHLY LIKELY ? REALLY? woo hoooo

  2. not coming to Texas. Just means I will use my favorite cake pan...


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