brain slices: disconnected thoughts
• Today was Toby and Brynn's last gymnastics class for the summer, or maybe forever. I'm hoping to find a slightly competitive co-ed...
+• Today was Toby and Brynn's last gymnastics class for the summer, or maybe forever. I'm hoping to find a slightly competitive co-ed...
+It's pretty astonishing, the level of slacking I am doing over here at this blog. If you know me, you know I am...
+I'm gonna try to explain this, but I'm pretty sure I have a fever of 105 and am delirious. Not the band, they...
+As of today, I have completed 3 weeks of fitness bootcamp. Or has it been a year? I can't remember. All my brain...
+I wrote this for Bound4Life for Mother's Day, but I'll post it here too, in case you missed it! Job Title: Mother Salary range:...
+I went to a tiny private school as a kid. We regularly participated in a "sport" called kickball, in which you kick the...
+(Disclaimer: this is humor. I'm not bitter, my day wasn't exactly like this, and my husband is awesome) Birds gently chirp as my...
+Over the weekend, Brynn had her first dance performance. If you follow or stalk me on my various social networks, you already know...
+Sometimes, in my real life, I have conversations with people where I talk to them with my voice. Usually, I talk with typing,...
+Next week I'm going to talk about sex. Now that I have your attention, I will talk about something else. But I really...
+Toby graduated from preschool gymnastics last week, about a year and a half late. It was one of those things, I thought one...