The thing I was saying was the Science City thing, that was fun. I'm always trying to get my kids to learn stuff on accident, and it works a lot of the time. Every now and then, I'll strike out. "Look!" I'll say, "A new book! About the invention of the SEWER! Is this great or what?" And I get a half-hearted response, because he was really hoping for some Dilbert. That boy and his corporate comics... But usually I can find a documentary or an educational book and they like it, and learn stuff to shame me with in the car. "Hey mom," they'll say, "Did you know that ___ can ___?" and I have to be all like, "Uh, no. No I didn't." So this place was great for that, learning while having fun.
On the way out of Science City, Toby decided that he was now smarter than me. "All brains are good," he says, "but mine is extra good." I had to try to set him straight, although I suspect he's just biding his time until he's "grown-up smart" and has me beat. By then, I'll probably be fine with it. I'll tell him it was all because of my excellent parenting, and that he should buy me my own personal taco truck for the driveway.
you're was fun! glad you got some pics depsite the shattered phone!