
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

on being middle-aged

(sidenote: I have a post up at Moral Outcry about affording adoption. You should read that next)

I'm 32 years old. That is weird, every day, but I think I'm settling into it fairly well. Some things are starting to worry me, like, it's not so easy to lose weight and my feet hurt. Oh no! I think, I'm middle-aged! And really, if I live to 70, I am kind of middle aged. But women in my family live to be 120 or something and work 3 jobs until somebody makes them stop. So I'm not really middle-aged yet.

It's confusing, this age. I tried to buy some summery shirts at the thrift store yesterday. I was thinking something that said young and breezy without saying "I work in a nightclub" or "I am in denial about my arm flab". And look, the merchandise in thrift stores is limited. I know if I went to a real store and paid full price, I could probably find the slightly-chubby-mommy-who-can-still-look-hot-with-some-makeup-and-rouching department. But I don't shop at real stores, I spend all our money on food. So.

So thrift stores tend to put you in 2 categories, Grandma or Floozy. I was hoping to hit right in the middle of those 2, but I was mostly out of luck. And hey, if you are a 30+ woman still rocking the halter top and Daisy Dukes, I'm not saying YOU are a floozy. I might be saying it's time to rethink that... maybe.

So maybe it's time for me to buy some lavender floral tees from Walmart and some Dr. Scholls and settle in for a nice long elderly season.

Or I could just color my roots, because that is probably the source of all this angst anyway.


  1. My roots are so bad...SIGH.
    Also, even though I'm a "20 something" having three kids does feel like it puts me in some other category than "young professional" and since I have no use of suits and night club dresses....I'm left wearing what those people would wear...on the weekends, I guess. I don't know...it's weird coming to these thresholds and trying to figure out how to look the part, but without caring...too much.

  2. Jessica, I love the thoughts that are in your beautiful noggin* Thanks for sharing. and keep on keeping on momma.

  3. As soon as Nolan was born (like it was the third thing out of my mouth), I declared that rhinestones on the back pockets of my pants would be no more. I was too old, too motherly, too un-stylish and too broke to dress my bum in shiny, glittery child's-play. Only teens with their dad's credit cards wear THOSE pants...or so I thought. Seven months later, I bought a pair of shorts with so much bling that I'm sure my butt can be seen from Mars. And I wear them every day. I feel foolish but you know, they fit, and that's a big deal after having a baby. Also, I figure that the bling bottom does a decent job at distracting from my arm fat. So, it's a win-win.

    PS: I've got bags of gently used clothing that is waiting for a good home. Send me your address and you'll have a new wardrobe in 5-7 business days :)

  4. well this is a dilemma. I say go with a little (or a lot is better) Texas bling. You can't go wrong on this. Pull in whatever you must, cover up the problem spots a little but mostly, you need to dazzle the eye.If your pink python cowboy boots are still around well heck, put some little gel pads in there who the heck would ever know. Extend the eyelashes, Plump up the hair... as Daddy would say ( and he appreciated the ladies) "someone would kill for one like that." mama

  5. Funny! I think we are only "middle aged" here at IHOP! On the East Coast a lot of ppl aren't even married at 32! I am also 32 and ppl on the EC think I am young to have 4 kids! But here? I am over the hill! haha

  6. i have a hard time finding that line between grandma and floozy even at the real stores! well, maybe that's because i don't have shopping money... and i don't go often enough to search out that lone shirt that might feel young enough to be "me" but old enough to cover up "me the mom"... alas, i am in dire need of a new wardrobe.........


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