my grownup baby
I finish my evening rounds, putting the cookies back in the highest place, checking locks, turning off lights. My last stop is checking...
+I finish my evening rounds, putting the cookies back in the highest place, checking locks, turning off lights. My last stop is checking...
+The MOG got back from a weeklong ministry trip to Texas last night. While they were there, our trailer got robbed and we...
+I never linked to this over here, since I figured that all my internet worlds were combined, but just in case they aren't:...
+One of my kids has a terrible fear of doctors. It probably has to do with being poked and prodded and wired at...
+Earlier today, I thought I heard something moving in the garage. Nah, I thought. I poisoned the heck out of all the mice,...
+In my mom's group, we talk about various topics. The Bible, of course, because we are spiritual women, but also, like, our husbands,...
+Over the course of a marriage, you find out your strengths and weaknesses, and especially your spouse's weaknesses. The man I married is...
+(sidenote: I have a post up at Moral Outcry about affording adoption. You should read that next) I'm 32 years old. That is...
+My kids went to Vacation Bible School today. Brynn had a cupcake and colored a picture of a koala. I, on the other...
+Just when I think I'm turning into one of those well-balanced women with multiple talents, I realize I'm not. Case in point: to...
+Most of my kids take out their anger in a healthy way; by bludgeoning each other with toys, or making somewhat nonsensical comebacks,...
+I love this house. It fits us. It looks fairly normal, but then you hang out for a minute and you figure out it...
+We spent most of the day Wednesday in the ER with R2, who might have fractured his arm in a self-injury fit. Lots...