head over heels
So, maybe you're here because you randomly googled "yablonski floatsam and jetsom" and landed here. More likely, though, you passed by on a...
+So, maybe you're here because you randomly googled "yablonski floatsam and jetsom" and landed here. More likely, though, you passed by on a...
+You know what would be amazing? Seeing something for the first time. Seeing everything for the first time. Sometimes I watch my kids look...
+I forage through the refrigerator, processing lunch options. Now that R2's gone back to school, it seems easier. He's the big eater around...
+Ask me a question, any question, and I will probably answer, "I don't know yet." All right, LITERALISTS, I mean a general question...
+I never really planned on having a daughter. Shoot, I never planned kids at all, they just were very exciting surprises, every time....
+Note: you might not want to read this if you are violently opposed to immunizations, because it might make you hate me and...
+It's 10 pm at Children's Mercy, and there are two of us in the elevator. It doesn't take more than a glance to...
+Disclaimer: I'm through selling shirts for the time being. I am not done fundraising, however. We still need multiple thousands of dollars. So...
+I've been shacking up with my house. In fact, I've shacked up with every house I've ever lived in. In the olden days,...
+The bus was 10 minutes early today. Lucky for them and the schoolboy, I am obsessive about anything that has a scheduled time...
+School started today. Not that anyone would have known, unless you are a part of the underground information network that is probably available...
+Librarians are punks. Maybe you're a librarian, and you're all like, "Hey! I'm no punk!" and then you give me the stinkeye. Punkish....
+If you're all up in my internet, you know it's our 14th anniversary today. It's a special one, because the MOG is in...
+Years ago, we made a decision to "write our address in pencil"... what we meant was to be flexible, to be available to...
+I interviewed my friend Christina for Bound4life's blog today. Well, actually, I interviewed her yesterday, and posted it today, if you want to...
+I remember as a kid, having a pretty wild imagination. I had these imaginary friends that caused all kinds of trouble, and I'd...