
Monday, March 22, 2010

in which I whine

first, the disclaimer: I did not blog Friday because I was alternating between lying on my deathbed and chasing toddlers. Getting up from your deathbed to chase toddlers makes you even deader, FYI.

I planned on writing about my Texas homesickness today, and I remembered doing that before, so I went and found it in the archives... it was one year ago tomorrow. So, clearly, this is a time of year that I am both nostalgic and homesick. Sigh. 

I like living here. My favorite thing about living here is that I know this is where God has us right now, and that makes things easier and peaceful. But man, I miss Texas. 

I wish I was sitting on the patio at Willie G's right now with a couple pounds of crawfish and a Coke, and some friends. It doesn't help that there's 6 inches of snow on my back porch-balcony. 

I miss living near family... I'm filling out all this self-study stuff about my siblings and how often we see each other and so on, and everything is like, well, we used to see each other every week...

The great news is, my mama is coming here Thursday. So I will get some Texas/family goodness up in here. Until then, waaaaaaah.


  1. o come on already Jess.... everyone knows that the reason you miss family this time of year is because it is time for your favorite mil bday once again! O yes o yes it is birthday month again. Funny how you celebrate it by visiting Yo Mama... same as Nanna Banana celebrates my birthday each year by having my brother and his family coming up for skiing in Utah.\

    Ya'll need to all get your heads on straight and prioritize a bit better.... good grief... March has arrived!

  2. get yerself up here, birthday girl! We'll put sheets on the C couch!

  3. ok so i'm just catching up to all the missed blogs!

    Don't worry Jess, soon you will be hearing all of us Texans whining about the unbearable HOT humid summer! How our makeup melts off our faces and how our nicely flat ironed hairs crinkle back up the moment we step out side. :-)


  4. Very exciting. I hear from you everyday.



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