
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Going public

Gosh, I love Texas. On the way in, we stopped and had some barbecue at Woody's. Toby poked around it all and said, "I don't YIKE this food." This is alarming on several levels. I mean, the boy doesn't eat salsa. And now, the disrespect toward barbecue. I have got to get this kid out of Missouri. If we stay, he will probably start showing a preference for hotdish, or start... well, I don't really know Missouri stuff. The threat is real, however.

I have decided to go public with my blog. All that really means is, it becomes searchable by Google. If I start getting hate mail from strangers (as opposed to hatemail from family) or if I have other cause for concern, I will put it back on private. I'm curious, though. I read a lot of blogs, and I think this one is pretty good. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but especially for people with complicated pregnancies....  or you know, righteous husbands or multiple little kids, or just... whoever likes my stories..

So anyhoo. Tomorrow R2 turns 10, and I will probably blog about him and skip Friday Fiction. Y'all just gonna have to wait. 


  1. 10 years old!

    does time fly!

  2. I think you are wonderfully talented at writing, and people will love finding your blog! :)

  3. Going public is a good decision. From my blog post a couple days ago on adoption and special needs, I picked up 11 subscribers on my RSS. It can happen fast for you since you blog regular.

  4. Love that picture of the Peterson family -G

  5. Yo G- Thanks! Hit my blog and scroll down to 4/28/09 to see all the pictures. They are the beautiful.


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