Signing off....
I will be fasting the internet until Weds morning 11/1 ... starting in a few minutes. So y'all feel free to fill this...
+I will be fasting the internet until Weds morning 11/1 ... starting in a few minutes. So y'all feel free to fill this...
+I had a good day. And I laughed hard every time I read that blog. I still think it's funny. And a very...
+Top o the Mundee to ya...Thinking a little last night about "worst case scenario". What a load of bunk.People never say the real...
+Well, I didn't review this last week... in case anybody hadn't seen it yet.One Night With the King: 2 stars. For costumes.Really. The...
+Very sleepy this morning... Toby has a cough and did not want to sleep last night... ever.Just had an opening at the doctor's...
+You were only 15 when I first heard you singAnd I said, Girl, someday I'm gonna marry youWe were so young, just having...
+Thanks for the pix, Beth!SURPRISEHa! Leah threw a surprise party for me last night... fun fun fun... it was all girls at La...
+Well, after sleeping on it... I don't know. Those ultrasounds actually are funny.. one looks like a girl, one looks like a boy....
+Well, despite the hacker posing as me earlier.... I am just now reporting in.... with conflicting ultrasounds. But a feeling.... I am not...
+I have to scan in Richy's basketball picture.. so cute. His final "game" was Saturday. They had moonwalks and giant beach balls and...
+Just rolling right along here... funny how fast a pregnancy goes when you are too busy to think about it. I am definitely...
+PLEASE FORWARD THIS EMAIL ON TO OTHER INTERCESSORS!I am here in Washington, DC where 70 – 100 intercessors have been standing 24 hours...
+Last night, on my date... I went to the library... alone. Then I went to see Facing the Giants. I gotta tell you,...
+Happy Birthday, Kai... yesterday! It was a fast year...Man. Life has been a challenge lately. I am so tired and so grouchy... and...