
Monday, October 31, 2005

26 weeks! Hooray TOBY blanza!

" Fetal Development - Week 26 The baby now weighs between 1.5 and 2 pounds/ 680 and 900 grams and is approximately 9...


Sunday, October 30, 2005


I celebrated Halloween once. Probably more than once but there's only one I remember before the aged parents put the big kabosh on...


Saturday, October 29, 2005

weekend blog

weekend blog

We'll see if I come up with something to write about... we shall seeI think Richy's a little concerned about my Rumsfeld reference...


Friday, October 28, 2005

The twins

Happy Birthday Heather and Mikey! I remember when they were born.... we rode in a little brown beetle all the way down 45.......


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Well, we lost the World Series... and thus, my monthlong interest in baseball will go the way of its fathers.I stayed up way...


Tuesday, October 25, 2005


My appointment was good... no change! Holy Moley! I could have this baby in 10 weeks and he'd be normal! Well, Yablonski "normal"...then...


Doctor's Appointment

I have an appointment in an hour... slept late, now waiting to GO GO GO....Update should be early afternoon.......


Monday, October 24, 2005

Holy Cow! 25 weeks!!

"Your baby weighs onepound, nine ounces, and measures 22 centimeters crown-to-rump. Yourbaby's ears are fully functional now, and he or she may even...


Sunday, October 23, 2005

fiction lecture 3,457

I think I may go to church today. So the lecture begins now.The subject of today's lecture is Dee Henderson. Dee writes romantic...


Saturday, October 22, 2005

brain difficulties

brain difficulties

I just can't think of anything entertaining. I'm sure it will come to me in a blinding flash later today. For now..... pftttttTomorrow:...


Friday, October 21, 2005


I am typing this long before I'll actually post it. The MOG woke me up by turning on the blinding light to find...


Thursday, October 20, 2005


I am having a great time. The Astros won... it was so sweet to see Jeff Bagwell and Craig Biggio cry... they've been...


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

24 weeks 2 days! A NEW RECORD!

24 weeks 2 days! A NEW RECORD!

I am not going back to sleep. I would like to believe differently of myself. But the fact is, I am awake now....


Tuesday, October 18, 2005


sorry it's so late... but I had an awesome report! Nothing has changed... my cervix is still as it should be. Praise God!...



Got an ultrasound and a doctor's appointment today... and we've decided to postpone our beachgoing until Wednesday.So go ahead, I dare you. Amuse...


Monday, October 17, 2005

plan for the year....

plan for the year....




24 weeks today. What a milestone. I had the twins at 24 weeks, and R2at 24 weeks 1 day. So as of Wednesday,...


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fiction lecture 2 or so

The subject for the day is Gilbert Morris. GM has written about 4,329 novels, most of which are historical and follow the Winslow...


Saturday, October 15, 2005


my mind is too sleepy... will blog later...LATER, on the ranch:The problem is, I am a morning person. As in sleep 2 hours...


Friday, October 14, 2005


I watched another Astros game last night, this time with Richy and Paul (and R2, of course). It was more fun having some...


Thursday, October 13, 2005

hangin out

hangin out

Last night (actually starting at 4) Richy went out and I decided to keep R2 because... I'm feeling much better and I didn't...


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Happy Birthday Larry Reichert and ol' Chris Columbus day, officially

The fiction lecture seems to be a hit. I think I will make it a weekend thing.I am currently working on composing a...


Tuesday, October 11, 2005


all is well... my cervix is normal!! We knew it, but it is still so exciting to hear. I got my nasty orange...



Doctor's appointment in a little while... I'll update in the afternoon.I don't feel scared, I just want it to be over and have...


Monday, October 10, 2005


"This week of pregnancy, your baby is over 8 1/2 inches in length and weighs a little over a pound. Your baby's body...


Sunday, October 9, 2005

fiction lecture 1 or so

Reading a Lori Wick book today. Lori Wick writes a book every 4 days, so there's always something to read. The problem is,...


Saturday, October 8, 2005

the weekend

feelin pretty good today... I actually got to sit outside for a little while yesterday. Normally, I hate going outdoors. I just very...


Friday, October 7, 2005



mama's bed

mama's bed

I remember, as a kid.... the wonderland that was mama's bed. So many pillows, heavy blankets.... just the comfiest place in the world....


Thursday, October 6, 2005

I read a lot of books. I like fiction, but every now and then something nonfiction catches my attention. This week I read...


Wednesday, October 5, 2005

I have been sleeping so great lately. Don't you love sleeping? I can't nap, however. My brain won't shut down. I always get...


Tuesday, October 4, 2005


W: So that's the jist of it. King Fad here says he'll be nice to Mr. Sharon, here. And so nobody's gettin blowed...

Baby minded

Baby minded

Acrobat Toby with his foot above his headSomething happens when I get pregnant. Well, a lot of things happen. But what I am...


Monday, October 3, 2005


Well, my appointments were great! That measurement a couple weeks ago was wacky, because my cervix is a normal length and everything looks...

22 weeks! Hooray-a-toby-blanza!

22 weeks! Hooray-a-toby-blanza!

Today, Toby should weigh about 13 ounces... he should be about 7.5 inches from crown to rump. (because his legs are all folded...


Saturday, October 1, 2005

october 1st... will be kai's birthday

october 1st... will be kai's birthday

UPDATE 1:48 pm9 pounds 11 ounces7:49 amjust got the call,,, pray for leah today as she brings this very content large baby into...

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