
Monday, April 30, 2012

Daddy: 12 years

Daddy: 12 years

It was 12 years ago today that we said goodbye to my dad. I never called him Dad in my life, he was...


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hipsters on the Porch

Hipsters on the Porch

I don't remember the first day I saw them. It must have been about 30 days ago. And now I might never see...


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Tail of Two Squirrels

A Tail of Two Squirrels

I get in trouble a lot with my kids. Mostly the 2 middle ones, who talk and stuff. "I'm thirsty," they say, and...


Monday, April 23, 2012

homeschool convention: I am confused

homeschool convention: I am confused

It's that time of year, where I embrace my homeschoolerness and attend the "convention". This time I went with my buddy Brooke, and she...


Thursday, April 19, 2012



Tristan had a couple of holes in his heart when he was born, and so he went straight to the NICU (smh: even...


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

rolling stones and gathering moss

rolling stones and gathering moss

I have commitment issues. I mean, I'm good at being committed to my marriage, to my kids, that kind of stuff. But I...


Friday, April 13, 2012

adjusting: or why I'm not eating bottom-dwellers

adjusting: or why I'm not eating bottom-dwellers

Let me talk about crawfish for an undetermined number of hours, since typing these blogs typically takes me 2 days to write, between...


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

the smeller's the feller

the smeller's the feller

When I came home from Texas, the first thing I did was revel in the love of my family. The second thing I...


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

esther recap

esther recap

We weren't fasting YET "So we sent you on a roadtrip," you say. "And you give us a couple gas station vlogs and...


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

hear us roar

hear us roar

Tomorrow I'll get on a plane with three of my good friends, winging our way to Texas for the Esther Call. The MOG...


Monday, April 2, 2012

surviving bedrest: a how-to

surviving bedrest: a how-to

I woke up today thinking about... well, I woke up, thinking about sleeping. But then fairly soon after that, I started thinking about...

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