put your money where your mouth is :)
I try to, on occasion, (I never spell that word right on the first try) to draw your attention to worthy causes and crazy people...
+I try to, on occasion, (I never spell that word right on the first try) to draw your attention to worthy causes and crazy people...
+Took my Irish twins for an outing today. If that strikes you as racist, and you're Irish, I apologize. The rest of you...
+Around here, people fall over a lot. Everyone but me, that is. When the kids fall, you can detemine the severity of the...
+You know, I'm not so crafty. I mean, I could probably outsmart you, if you want to take it that direction. But I...
+I flew to Texas over the weekend for a family crisis. "Man, " you think. "I'd rather fly AWAY from a crisis." And...
+I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to the internet. Nothing creepy, just basic internet. Social media, news, stuff like that. But I don't want...
+Brynn turned 5 yesterday, and I will write about that later, after I have emptied my buckets of tears and rinsed them out...
+I had the thought recently that someday there won't be a baby in our house and I'll be doing other stuff. Part of...
+When I write something heavy, I usually feel a little better right away. Sharing the human experience and what-not. Thank you for your...
+R2 almost died on Friday. It was a bad seizure, and I don't really want to talk about it. Someday, I will be...
+Normal 0 0 1 235 1345 11 2 1651 11.512 0 0 0 It’s never seemed right to me, the fact that the...