the weakest link
She looks at the plate skeptically. "I don't like this" she says. "Yes you do," I say, overly bright. "You love it!" She takes...
+She looks at the plate skeptically. "I don't like this" she says. "Yes you do," I say, overly bright. "You love it!" She takes...
+A great blessing of motherhood is a faulty memory. It's one of God's primary tricks for getting us to have more kids. You...
+UPDATE: they sent us home on a higher dosage of seizure medicine. He's sleeping peacefully now. Thank you all for your prayers. <3...
+We've been fairly quarantined here lately at the house of the damned. (Disclaimer: I gave a great deal of thought to that title,...
+I'm not a super competitive person. If I don't think I'll win, I probably won't play whatever it is that annoying people are...
+Every morning, Toby and Brynn (and Tristan) turn on their clock radio and dance like heathens to whatever comes on. Some days it's...
+I went to the movies last night with some pals, and came home to find Tristan sleeping in a pool of his own...
+You might have missed this: I'm from Texas. Snow is like Kryptonite to us. Like beautiful, deadly Kryptonite. If you don't know what...
+I have always been pretty flexible about my hair. I have friends and family members who have a psychiatrist on call to talk...
+Sometimes I wake up and I think, "I hate everything." And I don't, you know. I love lots of things. But every night...
+I've been meaning to write two meaningful pieces here, for the ol' blog. But I'm not. I mean, I could say, because blah...
+I think of myself as frugal. "I'm frugal!" I think, and then I feel a little better. But really, at the core, I...
+** UPDATE ** WE MADE IT! THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS!! ** (donations over the goal line will be put in an R2...