daddy and death and realities
There's a bit of a heaviness over this time of year for us. We lost my dad 11 years ago tomorrow. (Side note:...
+There's a bit of a heaviness over this time of year for us. We lost my dad 11 years ago tomorrow. (Side note:...
+I wasn't raised to be a supportive wife. I mean, I don't think anybody would've minded if I said that's what I wanted...
+Last night I slept away from my baby for the first time in 5 months. I was on the sofa bed downstairs, and...
+Well. Evidently single people read blogs. Also, evidently my theory on the "one" is a semi-controversial topic. Thanks for my biggest blog reader...
+Remember that stormy emotional time, back when it was 15 minutes ago? I feel a little better now. In fact, I deleted the...
+Kids can smell the blood in the water. Some mornings you just can't mask your weakness, and they seize the day to REIGN...
+It's been 5 months since I looked at Tristan and loved him. He is a jewel, a delight, a dream baby. He sleeps...
+I spent the majority of my youth pastor years as a staunch anti-dating advocate. (the first part of my youth pastor career, I...
+I'm not such the fan of nature. I mean, I love the God who created all things, and I dig flowers and sunsets...
+Everyone, stop the presses. Those of you who have presses. The rest can just... look over here for a minute. I bought a...
+He could be on the phone for an hour. When I ask him who it was, what it was about, he freezes up....
+My friend: I'm watching your journey to bring home the baby that you love, and reliving my own journey, some. You're gonna make...