
Thursday, March 31, 2011

On holiday from reason

Life is all about learning. This week, I learned that family vacations are not restful. "let's take the kids!" I pleaded. "They LOVE...


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Where am I? I am with the MOG at the beach, attempting our first family vacation as a party of 6. We haven't...


Friday, March 25, 2011


Dear Texans and foreigners lucky enough to live in Texas: don't be wusses, it's not befitting of the great nation of Texas. Get...


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

man makes his plans, but I just chill

man makes his plans, but I just chill

I hate making plans. It takes so much brain power and micro-analyzing, and then you have this ^%$ plan you're stuck with, and you...


Monday, March 21, 2011

walking with human puppies

walking with human puppies

After a very tense weekend of R2 pointing angrily at a photo of himself on a trampoline, the school bus came back. He...


Friday, March 18, 2011



Tried on jeans today. Whatever, I'm over it. I'm totally not over it. Pioneer women had it easy. One threadbare old calico dress,...


Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Can Do Anything

In a rare excursion from the house today, I took the kids to the park. I learned a couple of things. A) the...


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We're driving to Texas in a few days. It's March, so it's a little early for bluebonnets, but I'm still hopeful.

I'm terribly predictable, y'all. Point me toward Texas and I'll start writing poetry and posting achy songs about home. I'll say something about how time moves on and everyone changes and home will never be the same, ever again. Then I will drown my sorrows in Mexican Coke (the drink, haters) and queso until it's time to go to my other home that is not home again.

I'll pontificate on the beauty of the state, of the people, of the curious thing that is Texas pride. I'll talk about lasting friendships and family and the ache of belonging but not belonging.

I miss living in Texas, I miss being with family. At the same time, I am content here in this wonky house in this Midwestern city, with these crazy little babies.

I was the one in grade school who couldn't stay the night at the sleepover without breaking down from homesickness and calling my dad to come get me. Shoot, I probably did that in high school. One time, though, when I was 16, there was a flood and I was at the MOG's house and I called my dad and left a message that I'd just sleep over at Richy's mom's, because of the flood, you know. On the couch. Next thing I knew my dad was there, soaked to the skin but determined to rescue me from one last slumber party.

Anyway, if you would have asked me at any point in my life if I would be okay with living outside of Conroe, much less Texas, I would have said an emphatic Aw Heck No. But God moved us here and there's been so much grace. I don't feel like I'm fully myself, though. The part of me that is used to being a Yablonski, in the middle of the drama, is lacking. Although there's no shortage of drama around here...

just rambling here, trying to type and think while simultaneously vigorously patting a baby bottom, kissing bonked heads and trying to talk certain people into taking me to lunch.

The thing is, my little family is my home now, and that's good.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring fever. No, like FEVER.

I'm no history buff, but I can make a pretty safe hypothesis: I bet the Black Plague happened during a holiday. At least...


Thursday, March 10, 2011

infections, injury and nacho cheese

infections, injury and nacho cheese

Today, the baby wouldn't stop crying, so I took him to the pediatrician. He had an ear infection, so she called in a...


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

punch to the throat, BOB CARLISLE

punch to the throat, BOB CARLISLE

I dropped Brynn off for her first real playdate today, at least her first one without me or her brother. When I opened...


Monday, March 7, 2011

Admonition to the children of Clark

Admonition to the children of Clark

If the room is made dirty, who then shall clean it? For you say, "It was not I who dirtied the room!" Yea,...


Thursday, March 3, 2011

party on, Radiant

There are perks to having a rock band in your basement 3 hours a day.  For one thing, it's harder to hear the...


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

feelin the burn

feelin the burn

I like to turn over my new leafs on the first of months. It seems fitting, a shiny new month. Hey! I think....


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hear me

The goal is to be heard. We're all striving for it, humanity. But especially 4  and 5 year olds.  Here's the way it works....

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