wildflowers: or the people that grew me
My room at my mom's smells like a Steve Miller Band concert. It's incense, and it's called Dragon's Blood, which is a very...
+My room at my mom's smells like a Steve Miller Band concert. It's incense, and it's called Dragon's Blood, which is a very...
+When I'm in Texas, I'm always struck by a revelation. No, not the revelation that Texas is best.... that one stays with me...
+Ever since the incident at Lowe's with the 6 foot animatronic witch, Toby's been on high alert for all things Halloween. As I'm...
+Maybe you missed this, but I'm a Texan. God has momentarily or potentially forever stranded me in Missouri, but He can't take away...
+If you ever told a parent of a special-needs kid that “God picked them”, then stop that. In His sovereignty, did He map...
+Going to start re-running some of my older posts once a week, just to get them circulated. I've written 1,397 posts for this...
+There are things in life that you take for granted. Gravity is a classic example. Other things, like the badness of Mexican food in...
+When I last left you on the Clarkives, Toby had been born and there was much rejoicing in the land. A very short...
+Okay, look, I'm a right-wing neo-con fundamentalist Bible-thumper. So this next 300 words or so, griping about Halloween, should not come as a...
+I'm working on a new Clarkive. I promise. Now, if you don't pay preeety close attention around here, you might be all like,...
+There's not really anything about guns. I was just trying to keep my male readers. Now that we're en route to becoming homeowners,...
+I didn't write yesterday. If you didn't notice that, carry on, nothing unusual here. But if you did, I gotta tell you, I...
+I put rice down the garbage disposal. A lot of it, all right? My logic was, there's these sharp blades in there that...
+I always put my best schizophrenic foot forward on the blog here, dividing myself among myself and saying I feel this way, but...
+I didn’t sleep last night. Did you? I was dreaming about your baby. Is that weird? Did you dream about him too? Did...
+It looks like we may be coming to the end of this stage of the adoption process. By that, I mean, the stage...