
Monday, May 31, 2010

every day is a celebration

every day is a celebration

This is R2's first week out of school, and I've been dreading it, because he doesn't care for the family dynamic so much....


Friday, May 28, 2010

the other woman

Do you ever have the thought that you have no original thoughts? Even that is not an original thought, because here I am...


Thursday, May 27, 2010

the inevitability of growth and R2

the inevitability of growth and R2

Tomorrow is R2's last day of 5th grade. Next year he'll be going to middle school. That is very weird, because he is...


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

shots and pain and agony

I'm writing this as I wait for my broccoli to finish steaming. That sounds über domestic, as it should, because I am all...


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

genetics and homestudying nature vs. nurture and wow

Yesterday, a licensed professional social worker came to our house to determine, among other things, the safety of our home and our fitness...


Monday, May 24, 2010

Lone Star Baby Banquet and YOU

Lone Star Baby Banquet and YOU

So maybe you're sick of hearing about our adoption. Hey, grow a heart! (smirk) Now, I will talk about it some more. Mostly...


Friday, May 21, 2010

All I wanna do, is eat some food

All I wanna do, is eat some food

I'm in the process right now of compiling pictures for our adoption profile. The profile is a book that is a picture of...


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Idle hands

Toddlers are amazing in their creativity. Couple of days ago, I was closing the door to Toby's room for "quiet" time and he...


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Levi's site

Levi's site

I want to tell y'all about a little guy that could use your prayers. His name is Levi Brett, and he's 18 months...


Monday, May 17, 2010

Adoption update: Banquet de Tejas

On another note, I will be talking more about how you can help the family of Levi Brett in upcoming days-  stay tuned....


Thursday, May 13, 2010

on mothering, and selfishness

on mothering, and selfishness

Last night I put Toby to bed and then dyed my hair while he stood there asking me questions. It confuses me, too,...


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

adoption update: Form-ganza 2010

adoption update: Form-ganza 2010

Last week I turned in our adoption application. Now, when I say application, maybe you're thinking about a front-and-back page from Gap, wanting...


Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's day, and the always ache

Sometimes, I'm feeling something, and when I check my blog archives, I find I felt that way before. I am a forgetful and...


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today, I took Brynn out to run errands for more than one hour. That, in itself, is unremarkable. I have always made my kids endure lengthy grocery shopping trips and such. What was different was- this trip was DIAPERLESS. As in, the child wore underpants.

I've told you before, but I am pretty laid back. I figure kids are pretty smart, and they usually figure out that dirt doesn't taste good, or that it hurts when they "fly" off the couch, and so on. Really, when they learn it that way, it means a lot more than just my party-pooper warnings. All that to say: I am not so easygoing when it comes to bodily fluids. I hover like a Woodlands mommy.

"Brynn. Brynn? Sweetie? How you doin? Do you want to go to the big girl potty??!!"
"No. "
"Okay, then." pause... "But... it's real FUN in there. Big girls love the potty."
"No. The dog don't wanna go potty. The dog wanna play her game."
10 minutes later
"Um, Dog? Baby Princess Dog? Do you want to go pee-pee in the potty and get candy??"
"I not Dog. I giant panda." (scornfully)

I convince her to use the potty multiple times a day, with success every time and no daytime accidents. I just am having a hard time not asking. Maybe soon.

Today, we went to Walmart. She was mostly interested in holding all of the groceries. As in, not letting them go in the back of the basket. We lost the MOG to boredom somewhere between the coffee and produce, and that is when she decided she needed to go potty. On her own. I called Richy's cell and told him to come back and get Toby and the groceries so I could take her. He strolled casually back to us by way of Galveston, and eventually got there.

I was panicking a little, watching for signs of the pee-pee dance and cheerfully urging her to wait a minute. We booked it to the front restroom, where she asked questions about every wall and soap dispenser and tried to sit in the baby seat and then finally sat down and didn't really have to go. Still, kind of a win. Man, I'm exhausted. Woodlands mommies, you have my sympathies.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

analyze him

Today we saw the developmental and behavioral specialist again. Lemme refresh your memory. R2, our special needs 10 year old, has violent rages...


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

jis bout ded

I went to the doctor today. Since I am one of many Americans who choose to be uninsured, we just went to a walk-in...


Monday, May 3, 2010



Three items of some interest today: one: I gave up on potty-training Brynn and then half-heartedly picked it back up last week, and...

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