The logical conclusion: I am a WUSS
So, let's say Roe V Wade is overturned, and 3500 babies a day are no longer being aborted in the United States. And...
+So, let's say Roe V Wade is overturned, and 3500 babies a day are no longer being aborted in the United States. And...
+After we had participated in the Siege, and walked around, we saw the police getting the feeder ready for the march, and we...
+Monday morning we all woke up at the hotel and had some Texas shaped waffles and talked to a guy for a while...
+I am feeling quite revived currently, from eating Chinese food all ALONE and then going to the thrift store ALONE. I heart ALONE,...
+I’m back in Kansas City. We arrived at 11 on Friday night, and have yet to accomplish any real good as it pertains...
+For the last 7 years, we (Radiant Revolution, INC) have had the most wonderful privilege of serving the body of Christ in the...
+We're leaving the beach as I write this, headed back to Conroe for the night and then out to KC in the morning....
+I have so much catchup blogging to do. This 3 weeks has been hard, and amazing, and beautiful. We played about a hundred...
+Ooooh, so y'all are all snarky and stuff, all like, I'll comment when you BLOG and such... Shoot. If you knew the frustration...
+I am not aging gracefully. I think, at this stage of my early thirties, I should recognize that smile lines and crows feet...
+Today, directly following getting my haircut-renovation, I got into a conversation with my friend Brian which has stimulated my brain. I will now...
+I should really have something to say. I have lots on my mind and heart but no mental energy or space to organize...
+We have achieved that mid-trip condition of continual toddler meltdown. Typically this occurs about a week in, and then we go home, so...
+Blogging from the ol' iPhone as Netflix is,and has been, babysitting for days. Will I recommend that in my memoir? Well, probably not....
+Happy New Year, everybody! Every year, I resolve to not make resolutions, as to not fail myself and then lose heart and stop...