three fevers and a wedding
Eventful weekend round here. Friday, I don't remember. Must have been eventful though. Saturday, the MOG ran sound for a wedding and I...
+Eventful weekend round here. Friday, I don't remember. Must have been eventful though. Saturday, the MOG ran sound for a wedding and I...
+Technically, I should be updating my fictional story today, but I am too overcome with goodness . Here's the backstory, facebook style. (click...
+Blogging here on the go, as I have my opportunity for two hours alone staring me in the face, and I will KISS...
+The other segments of this story are over in the sidebar, if you haven't read them yet, or need a refresher. So me...
+It might seem like Toby gets more than his fair share of time here on the ol' blog. I worry about that sometimes....
+the MOG is, as we speak, in North Carolina. Well, as far as I know, anyway. Not that I think he lies about...
+If all goes well, the MOG will put the trash out tonight for the first time in 3 weeks. It's tricky, our lives....
+The other branch of the Clark family has, as far as I know, landed safely in the vicinity of Montgomery County, TX. We...
+went to zoo.9 kids14, 13, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 8 weeks4 adults 2 double strollers1 baby leash1 Baby Bjorn carrier14...
+I haven't blogged in a day or two, because a bevy of Clarks and a Joy have descended on my house. They are...
+I always planned on homeschooling my kids. In fact, I tried to homeschool R2, but he is developmentally like 2 years old, and...
+The other parts of the story are over there in the sidebar! My name is Jimmy. You could call me James, but the...
+After a fairly lazy morning of reading my novel in bed while Toby played with Starfall (how I love thee, Starfall), I received...
+Toby has stopped taking naps. This is alarming for multiple reasons. 1) I need Toby to take a nap 2) I need Brynn...
+Today R2 and I went to the neurologist, for a follow-up visit for his last seizure, 3 or 4 months ago. The neuros...
+Previous parts to this story HERE Now, this is Mama talking here again. I left off telling y’all bout my mama dying, and...