
Friday, January 30, 2009

inspire meeeee

Richy is, as we speak, talking on the phone in the bathroom. Some things should be sacred, if you ask me. Nobody asked...


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Last night I skipped American Idol because we had dinner plans. That is LOVE, people. I set up our new $4 thrift store...


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

html nopqrs

So here's the thing. I like poking around with HTML behind the scenes at the ol' blog here. It's another language, and I...


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

to the church of Richy

I know that you love the brethren, and the sistren. I know that you love even the little children, and that ocassionally you...


Monday, January 26, 2009


Had my break today. It is difficult to have 2 hours out of the house without spending $$. I ended up buying a...


Friday, January 23, 2009

I wrote this last night for my facebook, and published it here by popular demand from my husband. In other news, I am now a redhead.

25 Random Things About Me

1. I am almost 1/2 African American
2. I was born with 3 eyes and had to have several surgeries before I came home from the hospital.
3. I once impaled myself on a paper clip and part of it remains in my stomach to this day.
4. I can run a mile in 4 minutes. (Maybe 4 1/2 now)
5. I have 9 siblings that I claim. Only my mother knows how many others there are.
6. I am a vegetarian, and I am allergic to wheat and fruit.
7. I won Miss Toddler Texas Pageant '81
8. I sang backup on 3 of Enya's albums, back when she was the rap-act InYaFace
9. I can eat with my nose.
10. I learned Spanish by watching Braveheart.
11. One of life's greatest joys for me is filling out surveys.
12. I played on the defensive line for the Packers for a couple weeks, but I got laid off.
13. I invented an early version of the iPhone, and was totally robbed by Apple.
14. I have 106 1/2 cats.
15. I have 1 pit bull and 2 hungry Rotweillers
16. I can tell time using the stars and a sheet of tin-foil. Do it every day.
17. I have survived 14 earthquakes and a small tidal wave.
18. I published a book under the pseudonym John GrishOm. Sold QUITE a few.
19. I have a tail.
20. I have a secret identity. Two, actually.
21. I used to drive an 18-wheeler, before the war.
23. I am afraid of the number 4. ((shiver))
24. I have 6 fingers on each foot.
25. I am a stickler for the truth.

and a little introspective journey de hair
1. hating the hair
2. dye it green in prep for dyeing it red
3. cut it whilst green
4. dye it red, but not red enough
5. Find a pretty happy red and decide to give the ol' scalp a break for a few weeks...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today I got a haircut. The end.

Just kidding. I'll tell you all about it. Due to budgetary constraints, I once again found myself at The House of Heavelin, the local beauty school. Heaven? Helen? Heavy Lynn? Evelyn? Can't tell you, the history of the name is not to be found on its hallowed walls. Pictures of 4 inch fingernails with rhinestones and such? Check. Faded posters of the hippest haircuts of 1996? Check. Directions to the crown of the head? Check. But no history.

I have gotten my hair cut here before, and it is better than I would do, and only $5. So, it's worth it. Plus, by the time I usually get ready to spend money on a haircut, I despise my hair and would gladly burn it off with a lighter if it didn't hurt. So, not much to lose.

This time, as I walked back to the chair, two other stylists-in-training asked "You doing a cut?" to my stylist-in-training (heretofore known as SIT), in kind of a surprised or cynical tone. This did not inspire confidence in me. "You should ask Miss Victoria to help you..." they said, to the scorn and disgust of my SIT. The other two left for lunch, and it was just me and Ms. Thang, and my nerves.

You gotta understand. I can handle kinda-bad hair. I'm a rocker, see? I can put some stuff in it and act like it's what I was aiming for. Kinda-bad, yes. Scalped, no. I made some casual conversation, and learned she had been there a year, and was planning a career at Great Clips.

Lucky for me, just as my SIT was kinda haphazardly pinning my hair places, the instructor walked by and took over. As she was explaining to my SIT things like cowlicks, and layering... I was pondering within my heart... why does this last semester student not know this (I mean, I'm no cosmetologist, but it seems basic) information? I listened closer, and figured it out. See, I am a racial minority at the House of Heavelin. In fact, I was the only Caucasian customer. Things began to fall into place. Why there are none of the styling products I am used to. Why they had to go to the back for a different comb. And so on.

My SIT argued with the instructor a bit about how she had been planning to do it, but I was hanging with the instructor. Every time the instructor went to get the phone, the SIT would sigh loudly and start doing something crazy, like picking up a big chunk of hair and her scissors, and then the instructor would be back to direct her, "Now, we don't want to do that with her hair because her hair grows this direction. See? That would make her have a sprout like Alfalfa." Whew.

It ended up great, and my SIT was really happy, although she had a few things to say about the instructor when she left.

haircut: $5 +tip. Yesssssss.

Oh, and I am currently sporting a kinda sick greenish-brown color, which is what I do the day before I dye my hair red. I got a little smack at the beauty school, but when I told them my plan to not have pink hair again, they all got behind me in my goals.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009



This was a bit of a bummer day. Last week, our dryer died a slow and painful death. Eventually, I figured out how...


Monday, January 19, 2009

on shopping, and my psyche

on shopping, and my psyche

Intense (really, pretty mild) negotiations of late have led to a new plan... I get 2 two hour breaks a week. That is,...


Friday, January 16, 2009

More fat! More fat!!

Today is my mama's birthday. I was trying to write some sappy poetry for her, but people keep shoving plush poodles in my...


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well. Either my productive streak has ended, or I am just out of money. I mean, there's plenty of stuff to do around...


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Now, you might already know this, but I was raised by hippies. I don't remember taking naps or having a bedtime, and we...


Monday, January 12, 2009

monday late morning post

monday late morning post

I tell you what, the bloggerati gets a little testy sometimes when they're waiting for a post. Especially ANONs, not to mention any...


Friday, January 9, 2009


Maybe you're all on tenterhooks wondering "What, WHAT is the amazingly productive Jess® 2009 up to today?"Well, if so, wait no longer... I'll...


Thursday, January 8, 2009


Spent the morning googling special needs ministries... I found a lot of churches that do have plans in place, and I sent out...


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

yer mama

yer mama

I've been slacking on the blogging lately, because I am being so darn productive. It comes and goes in cycles with me... I...


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

on the art of disorganization

on the art of disorganization

You may not have realized this, but I am a terribly disorganized person. I come by it honest. RIP Cal Stanley.  It's because...


Monday, January 5, 2009

It's my blog, and I'll cry if I want to

Why the hiatus from blogging? maybe you're asking... or, There was a hiatus from blogging? or What the heck is a hiatus? Well,...

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