I'm thinking today about babies. Most of you know we have fought hard for the three we have living, as well as the...
+I'm thinking today about babies. Most of you know we have fought hard for the three we have living, as well as the...
+We are now safely in the vast confines of Texas... I need to get some Mexican food, immediately. Last night we slept in bunk...
+This is part 5 in an ongoing history of us... Links to the first 4 parts are over on the left sidebar over...
+It's that time of year where I start getting my holiday on... I am a big, big fan of Thanksgiving food. Lemme tell...
+I especially like this one, since I appear momentarily. I don't get much camera time, for some reason. It's probably because I don't...
+I really love my blog. I love thinking of things to write, and then finding the time to type them... I love comments...
+Today we were having a nice leisurely morning as usual... a little Cheerios and yogurt, some PBS and so on... when I got...
+I just went back and read some archives from my old blog. Dang, that's good stuff. I think I must be funnier when...
+The following is a blog hijack... Click the link above to view the latest video podcast from this last tour. Once Jess returns...
+ mama pc said...Dear Smarty- Pants What does a mother do when one of her daughters does the chicken dance on I10 in...
+My deepest apologies to all the Smartypants fans who are waiting... the MOG and crew came home a day early and festivities commenced....
+I am back from my jaunt to the West Coast, and I can't get enough of this baby girl.... what a sweetie... I...
+Update from Wednesday: staying with the terrific crew of the Justice House of Prayer in San Francisco for my last night on this...
+photo by the Call photographer Shelley PaulsonI may be starting another stretch of days before having real internet access again, so I'll update...
+Okay, if I got this right, then tonight at 5:30 Pacific Time, which is 7:30 for all y'all Centrals. click here for what...
+638 am Morning of the Call San DiegoWe have to be at the van at 7. This one's in a stadium... I like...